Friday, September 24, 2010

I get by with a little help from my friends

Many of my friends here at CUA have discovered this blog and would like to be mentioned in it. So I decided to set out a list of characters (I'm a theater major):

Danielle: My ginger haired suitemate who is from Oyster Bay, New York (Long Island). She thought that Chelsea hated her the first few weeks, but this was not so and now everyone loves her. She'd like everyone to know that she is not a race

Chelsea: My suitemate from Floral Park, New York (Long Island). She loves 30 Rock and Summer Heights High. She also loves classic rock like Billy Joel and Queen. She likes to tell me how entertaining she finds me. Her family and mine drink the same kind of tea and we have been friends ever since finding that out.

Linda: My room-mate from Massapequa, New York (Long Island). She is a cheerleader here at Catholic and enjoys to listen to hard core rap, much to the entertainment of the rest of us. She has pictures of her cousins around her side of the room like they are her children.

Mary: A fellow drama major from Annapolis, Maryland. She is a liberal and wants to go to law school after college. She also plays rugby here at Catholic which is very funny but awesome. Her boyfriend goes to Georgetown, so the first few weeks, we went there often.

Katie: She comes from Rochester, New York. She reminds me of my mom because they both lived in Rochester, have red-hair and were/are engineering majors. She is one of our favorite people and is over every night, way past curfew. Katie completes the circle that is "The Ginger Group".

Victoria: Lives above me in Engelhard and is from Delaware. She is loud (in a good way) and loves to find ridiculous YouTube videos. She is an architecture major who has one of the best decorated dorms I've seen.

Kerri: Victoria's room-mate who is from Oyster Bay as well. She plays softball and is a blunt person, but a perfect combination with Victoria, making them the most entertaining room-mate combo in Engelhard.

Jill: Mary's room-mate and is from Woodside, New York (near Queens). She also plays softball and enjoys to do her own thing. Every time I go upstairs, she is just about to start her Humanities homework. She is an amazing artist and should be study art here as well as architecture (which she is her major right now).

Sam: A fellow drama major from Virgina. She is one of the most friendly people I have met and dresses perfectly no matter what. Yesterday, she was wearing a Bumpit in her hair and was perfectly confident about it. I'm very happy to have met her.

Camille: A fellow drama major from Tampa, Florida. She is tiny and is in my astronomy class as well. She and I have a good time in class laughing about Hubble and the fact that he needed "glasses". She understands my hatred of East Coast Mexican food.

Sebastian: Also known as "Sea-Bass" from ROP (Right Outside Philly). He likes the 1960s and likes a lot of the same music as me. Mary and I met him on the Georgetown Excursion and have been friends ever since. He has a strange affinity for Jorts, which will hopefully end once it gets cold.

Claire: A fellow drama major who is from Sacramento, California! (though she moved to Maryland last year) She is a figure skater who loves Frank Sinatra almost as much as me. She is tall and has short brown hair, which looks great on her. Also understands my hatred of Mexican food here because she is originally from California.

Max: A fellow drama major who is from Maryland. He has no qualms about being himself, which consist of wearing a vest with a tie and button-down, while smoking a pipe. he loves Shakespeare and is a great actor. He was in the same version of The Three Musketeers as me and we bonded over that.

Well, that's basically the gist of all the people here. I am missing a lot more but I just want them to know that I like them as well.

Have a great day!


Monday, September 20, 2010

I got sunshine on a cloudy day

So, Today I got back my first essay that I wrote for Drama. Our TA for the class, Sasha, told us that he is very harsh in grading on the first essay. I was figuring that I would be lucky to garner a C on the essay because I had incredible trouble attempting to write this essay. I got the essay back and I got an A-! It felt good, but I can't let it get to me because I have another essay due on Friday.

Speaking of classes, I had Astronomy today and the guest teacher we had did not understand the idea that once she finished reading a slide, it did not mean that we were done writing down the information. Our class had to yell out a few times to make her go back. I ended up writing four pages of notes in 50 minutes. Fun.

I also have joined many clubs here at CUA. For example: Fencing Club, CUA Ballroom dance team, and the Town and Gown choir. Basically, I'm never free at nights. Plus, I have Freshmen showcase for Drama in October. I'm excited about that.

Oh also, I am involved in a reading of a new play. There are three of us who are going to read the play and have it recorded for the playwright. This is done so that he can hear how the play sounds.

On Saturday night, My suitemates and I, along with our new favorite person Katie, went to a party at the Baseball House. It was kind of lame, very hot and crowded. We had to bring along guys with us because the house is off-campus and two out of the three guys were weird. They were room-mates and they were equally weird. One, Bill, didn't seem to have a grasp on thinking and the other Kyle, told us how he wanted to shoot all the Gay people in the world. I was incredibly offended and had to leave so that I didn't punch him in the face. Avoid that fun duo. The other guy Kevin was totally fine, just quiet.

Now I'm sitting in my room listening to my 1960's playlist on itunes and am quite happy. Chances are I'll re-watch Mad Men, who knows? Have a great day!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

It makes you feel like your life has just begun

So I just finished my second week of classes and today is the first football game! I'm very excited because I've always been the type of person that secretly has a lot of school spirit and something about football games is very 1950s to me (which I love). I'm super happy being in college and am ready for what the next four years will bring.

Then at two, I have an audition for an A Capella group on campus called Redline, which named after the Metro line we are on. So I only get to watch about a half-hour of the game but still I'm going. Chelsea and I are going to go early because they are handing out free t-shirts and we want to get good seats.

Catholic University is really into two things: free food and free t-shirts. More the t-shirts then anything. It's kind of hilarious but you end up being into it as well.

Oh yesterday, I finally got a trench-coat. I've wanted one since the first time I saw Casablanca and I loved the last scene so much. I've been searching for awhile and now I'm super happy. And Fall is starting to arrive which I love because all my clothes are made for Fall weather because that's all we have in Mill Valley.

On another note, I can't believe that 9/11 was almost a decade ago. It seems just like yesterday.

Now I have to go wake up Chelsea. Have a great day!


P.S: The title comes from the song "Mill Valley". It makes me happy all the time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You should wear some flowers in your hair

So, I'm into my second week of college classes and have a break right now between philosophy and English. Yesterday (Labor Day), All of CUA seemed to be stuck inside doing homework. But that didn't mean that we couldn't have a good day.

The night before, I had gone out to a club/bar for a friend's eighteenth birthday and when I got back to the dorm, I desperately needed a shower because many drunk people jumping off the bar had spilled beer on me.

My room-mates were laughing at me because I would turn the water off when I was putting soap on. They have now decided to call me "Flower Child" being that I'm a hippie from San Francisco because I conserve water. I explained that I do this out of habit because we always had droughts in California.

Last night, we decided to watch 13 Going On 30 and at around ten, one of the girls from the Animal House-room came over to tell us to "be quiet because they were trying to sleep". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. If I remember, they are generally the ones that enjoy to scream at two in the morning. But whatever, we closed the door and all was better.

Now I'm listening to a CD my suite-mate Chelsea made for me. It was so sweet of her, I've never had anyone make me a CD.

Well, I have to go run and print out my English paper. Already had one of those, Fun. Have a good day.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's lonely out in space....

So, last night I had to watch Apollo 13 for astronomy. In class on Friday, our teacher told us that she also wanted us to research the 12 men to walk on the moon.

Then she went on to tell us how nice a person Buzz Aldrin is, along with telling us that she met most of the men who walked on the moon. She works for NASA along with being a professor at my college.

How cool is that?

Just wanted to tell you this.


P.S: Gary Sinise's (Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump and also in Apollo 13) daughter and I are getting the same major here at CUA. Ella is very nice and it's nice to have someone from California in the major.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Don't pass me by

So I auditioned for the fall semester shows this year at CUA about two days ago. The two shows are Another Part of the Forest by Lillian Hellman and Whales by one of the grad students. I was nervous about the audition considering I was a freshmen auditioning against grad students. The audition went fine and I was so happy about the fact that when I left the room, one of the seniors told me that I sounded great.

The next day, I discovered that I had gotten a call-back for Another Part of the Forest as the part of Laurette. So had six other girls, so I figured that I wouldn't end up being cast (which I wasn't) but I had never been to a call-back so I was extremely happy.

The call-back was about two hours long and I only was in the audition room for about five minutes. I had to read one of the scenes with one of the grad students, Chris, but I found it great to act with someone who has had a lot more experience then me.

Plus it's rare for a freshmen to be called back for the first show because they are so new, so my self-esteem just got a little better.

The gist of this long tangent was that I find myself extremely happy to be at CUA. Last night, I spent the whole night hanging out with some girls in my dorm and then stayed up to celebrate my friend Mary's birthday at midnight on the steps of the Basilica.

It's cloudy here because of hurricane Earl. Cloudy weather is normal for me so I love it. I have one more class then it's a three day weekend!!!

Hope you all have a good Labor Day holiday and thank you for reading!
