Saturday, October 30, 2010

Insane in the membrane

Today was the day where I realized how much I love living in Washington DC. As many of you (probably) know, today was the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Keep Fear Alive. It was run by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and was really meant to be a rally to ridicule all other rallies. I decided to go to the rally just because of the sheer strangeness of it.

The day started out with a bang. The Metros were completely jam-packed, so much so that you couldn't even move your feet. It was fun though because the people that I was stuck around were all mellow and were just enjoy the hilarity of the whole thing.

We arrived at Union Station and made our way to the rally, which was also an insane crowd of people walking around with ridiculous signs about everything.
My friends and I managed to get up to one of the barricades on Constitution Avenue and could see part of the screens they had set up and could hear parts of it. It didn't matter that we couldn't see the stage, the best part was just being there.

The rally ended at three and it was like the whole world was attempting to leave.
We ended up getting back to CUA at six after the still-crowded Metros decided to act insane on our way back.

Now it's onto Halloween Weekend, which should be entertaining. I hope everyone has a great Halloween!


P.S: My mother visited me this week and it was really nice to see her. We started a new rule that we must see each other every two months, nothing longer then that.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pack up all my care and woe

So right now, I have become completely obsessed with the new HBO show Boardwalk Empire. It's a show about Atlantic City starting on the first night of Prohibition and talks about the gangs/ politics (because they are basically interchangeable at this point) of the time. The reason why I wanted to start watching this show was for two reasons: I love historical anything and the pilot was directed by Martin Scorsese, who is also the executive producer.

Part of the reason the show is so good is that it is on HBO which basically means that the writers and director can do what they want with the show. Half of the subject material wouldn't work anywhere else and therefore the show would be bad.

The show is already crazy and it's only been five episodes. I was more excited by the end of the last episode of this show then I was about the Mad Men season finale (which was still a good cliff-hanger like they always are). I literally re-watched the last scene of Boardwalk Empire at least twenty times because I was so happy about it.

The actors are all amazing but the best are, obliviously, Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson and Kelly MacDonald as Margaret Schroeder. Whenever they have scenes together, it's incredible.

The soundtrack is another great part of the show. It's a mix of contemporary music and period which is a nice mix. Let's just say, I've been humming a lot of it while organizing the prompt script archives at work (well, also Neil Young and Piano Man)

In my life, Tech is over and Freshmen Showcase has finally arrived. I will not be sad when that is over. My mother is coming out to DC next Tuesday so I will get to see her soon!

The weather is perfect here and it's Friday, what could be better then that?!

Hope you all have a good weekend!


P.S: The post title comes from the 1920s song Bye, Bye Blackbird. I thought it was fitting.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today was a Fairytale

Tomorrow is the last show of Another Part of the Forest and even though I've only been involved with the show for a week, I'm going to miss it a lot. Everyone in the Drama department is great in their own way and together, it just makes for a hilarious and great atmosphere. It makes me not miss CTE as much as before.

Today was just the cherry on top of the cake because every ten minutes, something hilarious was happening. To be truthful, I was terrified of some people (mainly the grad students) at the start of Tech because I felt so incompetent in everything compared to them but now, I'm feeling less like that now.

Plus it doesn't hurt that according to the program, I am a Theater Assistant (this is so because I work in the front office).

Again, Come see the last performance of Another Part of the Forest tomorrow at 2 pm in the Hartke Theater!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Everybody is working for the weekend

So, I'm on costume crew for the first show of the year here at CUA: Another Part of the Forest (If you live in the DC area, I suggest you come and see this show, it is absolutely amazing). This weekend is Tech weekend so today I had a 12 hour rehearsal. I don't do that much considering I'm not an actor, but it is still tiring. My job consists of lacing all of the women's corsets and helping with costume quick-changes, as well as helping them dress. I'm enjoying it.

I finally made it down to the Mall on Wednesday, which was the first time I had been there since I moved here. Chelsea and Danielle needed to go find a painting at the National Art Museum and I decided to tag along because I was bored. Walking around the Mall was giving me flash-backs of my eighth grade trip I took to DC and it was a bizarre feeling to think that I ended up going to school in that city I was so excited to see. The weather was perfect when we went there and the weather has been getting nicer each day. It's cooling off which means I get to wear my favorite outfit: a thick sweater and jeans.

Well it's late here and I'm going to relax for a bit before tomorrow when I have to be at one. It's getting down to wire with this show!

The dates are October 14th-17th. Be there, you'll love it!


Friday, October 1, 2010

I'm on the pavement, thinking about the goverment

I've had "Subterranean Homesick Blues" stuck in my head for a few days now, which is bad because it's a hard song to just belt out when you feel like. Then I saw the Google Instant ad which uses this song to show how fast it works. That's a new low.

So yesterday was a monsoon here. The night before, DC got about four to five inches of rain and yesterday during the day, we must have gotten the same amount. Everything flooded and I think the shoes I was wearing are ruined because they got so wet. My rain boots are being sent today from home so hopefully it will rain once they get here. The fall weather has finally settled in here and it makes me happy because all my clothes are for fall weather.

It's Friday and I have astronomy in about an hour. I love that class. I also love my philosophy teacher because he allowed me to write a paper about Mad Men and how Don Draper has injustice in his soul (the idea is from The Republic). I think the paper turned out well.

I also had to go to CUA's library which is amazing mainly because of the Stacks, which is about four floors of nothing but shelves of books. The way to get to the next level are these narrow, metal stairs that look like they are out of Hogwarts. I want to go back there and take pictures.

Hopefully I'll be able to eat a good meal today. I'm thinking Italian.

I hope you eat a good meal today too!
