I'm now into the second week of the spring semester here at CUA. This is the reason I haven't been posting anything, mainly because I have been incredibly busy as of late. The weather in DC is temperamental (think snow, rain and sleet in a matter of hours) and we are finally settling into winter. At least I have lots of tea to stay warm.
Troy Women is coming along well. We did our first full run of the show show last night and it went well considering we all flubbed up lines at one point or another. I love the cast a lot. It consists of two guys and seven girls and all of us are crazy in some way. An example would be last night when we spent twenty minutes quoting Mean Girls in between brutal scenes about the end of a civilization. I'm also learning about all the good classes to take at CUA such as "American Popular Music" and "The Splendors of Byzantium".
My classes are all basically insufferable with the exception of Theater 2 and Acting I (which is an amazing class). My Philosophy class has devolved into silliness because yesterday we basically spent the whole class arguing the circular question "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?" The sound would consist of me hitting my head agaisnt a wall. Luckily my teacher doesn't give us a lot of work so the class is bearable.
The room-mates are all doing well and everyone is about as busy as I am. I'll be happy to sleep a lot this weekend. Oh, and rock out with Pandora which I just discovered the wonder of two days ago. It caters so well to my crazy music interests!
The March for Life is going on all this weekend, so I think I'm going to stay away from the Mall for the next few days. I can't deal with all of the angry Pro-life people. I have my own ideas and don't want you to push yours on me, Thank you very much.
The blog title came from the Elton John song "The Bitch is Back" which never ceases to make me feel happy. Plus it's Friday and the Pryz serves only fish on Friday (even though it is not Lent).
Heres hoping that I will get my wish about the March. Hope you 2011 has started out well!