Friday, November 25, 2011

A little bit louder now!

Hey all!

Happy Thanksgiving (a day later)!!!!

I had an eventful Turkey Day because I had my first trip to the state of New Jersey. I spent thanksgiving again with my family friends the Norths and this time, we spent it with Joe's side of the family in New Jersey.

First of all, this was a large Irish family that has lots of problems but hey what Irish family doesn't. Mix in lots of alcohol and recently deceased family members and it becomes a night to remember. Needless to say, I was very overwhelmed. The night was saved when I sat up with Riley and Shea and danced to random crazy YouTube videos.

We returned to Falls Church this morning and decided to repeat our tradition from last year of watching the "I Shouldn't Be Alive" marathon on Animal Planet. The last episode though always seems to be the worst so that's why I decided to write a post because I'd rather not see a reenactment of some man slowly dying in the ocean.

Auditions for the spring shows are this Tuesday and I am super nervous because I want to play Mary Warren so badly!!!!!

Oh and I had the reading of Alien Invader last Monday and it went well. The director is getting a video of it because he couldn't be at the reading and I'm hoping he likes what he sees.

So keep your fingers crossed for me and wish me luck for auditions!!! I promise to keep you updated.

I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving and didn't experience what I did.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life's a funny proposation after all

Hey Everyone!

So It's November. How did we already get here?!

I just wanted to tell everyone that November is really Reading Month for me. I have two readings this month. One is this weekend at Catholic one day and at Theater J (at Dupont Circle) another day. This play is called Alternative Methods and discusses the use of psychologists in torture in Iraq. It is an amazing play and I am reading stage directions for it (apparently really well). If anyone lives in the DC area they really should come see it. There is a Q and A after the play with some pretty interesting speakers.

The other reading is on November 21st for a play we are doing next semester called Alien Invader. One of the extremely talented MFA playwrights wrote it and it is an amazing play. I'll be playing Danielle in this reading.

I am incredibly excited about both of these readings and they should be fun.

On another note, my huge topics paper rough draft is now done! So I'm halfway through the process which is so relieving. It's surprising how little you can find about Moliere and Feminism.

And I have all my classes for next semester and am already working on my study abroad for Junior year. Things are really lining up for old Tara Costello (30 Rock anyone?)

I hope all of your lives have been just as interesting as mine. I mean Thanksgiving is coming up, a holiday that is slowly growing on me now that I like more types of food.
