Friday, December 7, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Hello everyone,

As always, I have been so busy that I have been unable to update this blog as much as I want. Maybe I should just write once a month because that is what I seem to be doing.

So I hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving. Mine was great because I got to go home for the first time in two years. I spent thanksgiving day down in LA and then flew back to DC that Saturday after. I had a nice week long break that was shortly ruined by the last three weeks of school.

Finals have apparently become a two week affair and I have been so busy and stressed trying to finish everything for this week that I haven't even thought about actual finals week. That is a joy.

I have a week left here at Catholic and then I am off to the United Kingdom. I can't believe that it is happening. And I turn 21 in fifteen days! Look at me, growing up and stuff.

Tonight we have our Christmas dance which I have never been to and am both excited and indifferent about. And then finals start.

See you all on the other side!!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I've got chills, they're multiplying

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to write a quick post updating you all on the Hurricane Sandy situation. DC was quite lucky and was not hit quite as hard as New York or New Jersey was. Everyone here is safe and there was not too much damage. Hopefully everyone in the area got their power back. Catholic never lost power but the lights did flicker a lot on Sunday.

We still managed to have Monday and Tuesday off of school and returned back to classes today (actually I did not because I was performing at a Tea at the Strathmore Mansion).

It was quite interesting. The rain began on Sunday and continued until yesterday morning. I only went out once on Monday and it was like getting hit in the face with very cold pebbles. Hence why I stayed inside for three days.

The hurricane did give a very nice academic respite to the school and felt nice. I managed to get some work done and fought cabin fever with some Tae Bo and movies.

I hope that New York and New Jersey recover and I wish all the best for them.

Also, Happy Halloween everyone!

And now, enjoy this delightful image of Hurricane Sandy.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

When shall we three meet again

Hi Everyone!

Sorry my life has been incredibly busy the last few weeks. But I have some big news: I'M GOING TO LONDON!!!!!!!!

I found out last week that I got into the London Dramatic Academy for the spring of 2013. I am unbelievably excited and can't wait to fly back to London in January. I've been missing the city ever since I left way back in April 2010.

I get to take acting classes on Shakespeare as well as period dance and an amazing class in which we go and read plays where they were produced in the city.

Well back to the present. Hedda Gabler went exceptionally well and I had an amazing experience being able to go through the entire rehearsal process. I just wish I could have gone onstage at least once. Hopefully I'll be cast in a mainstage next year. At least I have London to look forward to acting all day, every day.

Today my directing professor (who also directed Hedda) laughed with me about the fact I'm such a Shakespeare geek. It all came about because one of our assignments coming up is to come up with how we would produce Macbeth if we were directing it. Basically everything I am doing in that class is Macbeth because the paper I just wrote is about three separate productions, this next project is about it and I've decided to use it as my final scene for the class. I love it.

Also we just finished with our Freshmen showcase. Because we are juniors now, we were directing it. It was strange to look at the freshmen and realize that was us only two years ago.  I can't believe I've made it to this point in time.

Anyway, that is my life in a nutshell. I'll try to keep writing more.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

But oh, it's heaven: Nowadays

Hello Everyone,

So I am well aware that it is the beginning of October and I haven't written a post in over a month. I'm sorry about that, my life has been extremely busy.

Junior year started at the end of August and so did my application for going abroad to London. I worked on that for about a month and finally managed to turn everything in about three days before the deadline. It was a trail though trying to get all of the paperwork done and turned in by October 1st. I should be accepted just on that account. I had my audition on Friday and it was very interesting. Let me explain.

I had prepared Margret from Much Ado About Nothing because it was a speech that I had in my wheelhouse for about three years. I also believed that I was going to be filming my audition and this speech was funny and tame compared to some of the others that I also know. I went into the audition and did my speech, feeling quite confident in how it went. The woman running it told me that it was good and then asked if I had any other speeches prepared (I'm assuming because I did prose and they wanted verse). I told her that I had two Joan Le Pucelle speeches from Henry VI and told her which ones they were. She asked me to do the speech that begins "The Regent Conquers.." etc and I did. She worked on it a little with me and told me that I have a power that I tend to undermine (which is very true). Now this speech that she picked for me is one of the biggest, craziest moments a female character in the canon has, even surpassing Lady MacBeth, and it would typically be something I would NEVER do at an audition. It was one of the greatest feelings though. I hope I get into the program.

Also big news is that I am the female understudy for Hedda Gabler here at Catholic. This was possible because I would have been cast originally if the seniority card had not be outplayed this semester. The director was happy having me be an understudy and I've been doing it ever since. The show opens next Thursday and is amazing. The acting, the lighting design (which I squee over all the time), the costumes (Helen Hayes award winner), come see it if you live in the area. Please do, it's your only chance to see CUA Undergrads in a show.

My classes have been going solidly. I enjoy most of them except my Shakespeare class because it is taught from an English perspective from a teacher who has no understanding of theater and acting. My philosophy class is taught by a very theatrical monsignor and happens to be metaphysics, which is one of the craziest things I have ever studied. My theology class is extremely interesting except for when we discussed religion and politics and this girl was freaking out about Obama being a Muslim ( no he's not) and why she would never vote for a Muslim president.  My entire class was extremely offended. I have two classes in my major, Directing and Production both of which are amazing. It shall be an interesting semester and I hope it goes well.

Sorry about being MIA for so long but I'm back in the game. Thanks!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleep Little Darling, Do Not Cry

Last night was the closing night of King John. 

This was both my first professional show and first Shakespeare show that I have been a part of and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

When I told Lesley the director that this was my first Shakespeare play, her response was "It bodes well that King John was your first unlike having Midsummer".  How awesome is it going to be to tell people that I started my classical theater career with one of the most rarely produced Shakespeare plays in the canon? Even more awesome will be telling people that it was also a kick-ass show all around.

This internship was one of the best experiences of my life.  I met amazing people and worked with some extremely talented teachers. I got to live, eat and breathe theater and art. And as cheesy as it sounds, I grew so much as an actor.

I learned how to perform in outdoor venues, I learned about classical theater,  I stepped out of my comfort zone only to find it not at all terrifying. Most importantly, I conquered my fear that Shakespeare can only be acted one specific way and realized that classical theater is my idea of a good time, much more then contemporary theater.

But probably the most important thing I got out of this internship was the confidence to know that I can do Shakespeare and gotten over my past doubts that were still hung over from last year about even pursuing a career in acting. It may be a hard road but it will be the road I choose to take.

Now as I fall into my post-show/ pre- returning to school depression (hopefully no crying,which usually happens after a great show) I will have a few fond memories to hold onto:

-Earning Thomas Jefferson coins for doing Barry's makeup
-The time the tech booth blew up on Opening Night
-Eric Peeing off the stage
- Blazing hot Matinees
-Freezing cold night performances
-Doing the jig lift with Jimmy before every curtain call
-Rock Lock
-Moving the throne
-Standing in for everyone and their mother
-Twenty minutes of "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the dressing room
-The wonderful women's dressing room
-Poems in Barry's Garden
-"I want to eat it, let me eat it"
-Nerd Night
-The curtain call jig
-The glorius intern showcase complete with rain, helicopters, and girls making out
-The Midsummer camp with the greatest Play within the Play ever
-Flowing Dragon Swords
-Cast parties
-Double Rainbow
-4th Street

The list could be endless, but needless to say it was an absolutely incredible, stupendous and amazing expiernece. Thank you so much Marin Shakespeare Company!!!

I'm back to DC on the 23rd and will report from the other side. Now I'm off to enjoy my last two weeks by working on my monologue from Uncle Vanya!!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Two weddings, a funeral and King John

Hello Everyone!

As I said, this summer has been totally busy mayhem.  But also quite amazing.

The bulk of my summer has been dedicated to the internship at Marin Shakespeare Company and it has been the experience of a lifetime, and it's not over yet!

I have met and worked with some amazing people. For example, our teacher for our Verse and Text class in the first few weeks is a wonderful man named Barry Kraft. He has worked at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for twenty five years and has been in EVERY Shakespeare show that has been discovered. He also knows absolutely everything about the man as well as having a strong interest in chess, eclipses, and caves. The proudest moment of my life is when I get to help with his makeup for King John in which he plays Phillip of France.

Part of the internship is that I am also in one of the shows for the festival and I am in King John, a rarely produced Shakespeare play.  Popular in its day, this play has fallen out of production because it doesn't have the same appeal as some of the other histories like Richard III. It is actually quite a good play and I am very proud of my small and silent role as throne bearer/ citizen of Angiers. I also am quite enthralled with all of the professional actors in the play because they are all quite amazing.

Everything about this play is solid from the amazing director to the fabulous set, which is a replica of the Globe stage.

Here's an example of why this show works so well:

Last night was our opening for King John at Marin Shakespeare Company. During Shakespeare’s Act two, the lights went out. It’s an outdoor theater so it was still light at this point but then half an hour later, the lights and sound and backstage monitor went out.

Us actors were getting prepared to create the sound cues on our own but everything began to work before intermission ended (except the lights,which we kept in one cue). And not a single actor freaked out, good job.

After we remembered that it was Friday the 13th, and maybe one should not have opening nights on that date. It goes without saying that it was a very exciting opening.

Awesome, right?

The acting interns of MSC also have been working on scenes and speeches from Shakespeare for our showcase on August 4th and I've never felt more confident in my acting or in awe of the other interns who are quite amazing. Needless to say, I am loving this internship more then anything in the world!

My cousin also got married a few weeks ago and it was the wedding of all weddings. Considering the last wedding I went to was in the 1990s, I was quite excited about this big event. And it lived up to that dream I had. Her brother, my other cousin, actually got married a few days before so it was a full week of weddings and prep and celebrating which was an incredible amount of fun as well as being exhausting. It was quite nice to add two new cousins to the O'Neill clan and hang out with the original ones. 

Now the rest of the summer is dedicated to loving Shakespeare more and more. As well as working on my Sonya monologue from Uncle Vanya so that I can be cast in Hedda Gabler in the fall. I would so die to play Mrs.Thea!!

But I have time for that, a lot of time.

So everyone, Come see King John at Marin Shakespeare Company in San Rafael!! It runs through August 12th!!!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you

Hey everyone!

I am home for the summer as of Sunday and am now just trying to find a job and not get too bored. My Internship starts in a month and then I will be super busy but I am excited, while at the same time exceptionally nervous.

Have a fun May everyone!!

I'll try to post updates of my summer but somehow, this always falls by the wayside.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm beautiful in my Way

So I got back my philosophy paper on the moral justifications of legalizing gay marriage and I got a B-

Not a bad grade but my professor (She is an 85 year old nun) wrote it was because I didn’t write about the fact that being gay is not natural and can’t produce children. I went to talk to her about it and she made no effort to understand that I was not talking about children but about the fact that it is not equal rights. She kept going on tangents about random stuff and I kept having to say "I wasn't arguing that". Then I started to cry because I was frustrated and mad about the fact that she wouldn't listen to what I was saying. Then she told me that I was wasting her time.

I think my grandparents are more liberal then her.

I'm glad that I was raised abroad and in San Francisco because at least I understand that we are all humans and all deserve the same rights.

Things like this make me really dislike my university sometimes. Now I'm going to listen to "Black or White" and "Born This Way" so I can feel like people understand equality.

And then the bookstore wouldn’t buy back my books because they had “No value”. I bought them three months ago, I mean come on! But no finals now for two days! And them home to the city of Equal Rights on Saturday!!!

 Right now to make it through finals week, I have the fond memory of Gilbies/ Fake Prom last Sunday.  They both were exceptionally fun and are my favorite event of the year. Fake Prom this year was exceptionally good because there ended up being two hours of the best music ever: 1950s/1960s Rock and Roll. Think The Four Seasons, Roy Orbison and Elvis. I also had a new dress to wear from PinUp Girl Clothing which is the best site ever! Here are some images from that great night:

I hope everyone had a good day!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

You make me want to SHOUT!!!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to tell you all that I got the internship at Marin Shakespeare Company for the Summer!!!!!

I found out on Thursday and am dying of excitement. I will be taking classes on all things Shakespeare and then be in the Ensemble for their first show King John which is a rarely-done history.

So if you live in the Marin area, come by and see the show. It runs from July 6 to August 12.

That's all for today!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kick off your Sunday shoes

Happy Easter all of my readers!

I hope you are having as good of time as I am.

So here's an update on all of the great stuff I've done throughout my break.

On Friday, I had a reservation at a restaurant called Founding Farmers which serves organic American style food. It was unbelievable. I had the Farmer's salad and butternut squash ravioli which just rocked my world. So much better then dorm food.

Then as I was on the Metro on my way to Chinatown, I overheard one of the stranger conversations in my life. This lady was talking about her "non-sexual boyfriend" named Shoe and her friend named Bird. I have never heard anyone with those names before.

Then I wondered around Chinatown down to the Mall and the weather was beautiful, but a little windy. Then I went to the Washington Monument which was actually my first time being down there. This old lady had me take a picture of her in front of the monument.

Friday night was my first time having the dorm to myself and I watched the movie Nowhere Boy about the story of John Lennon before the creation of the Beatles. It was quite a beautiful movie and I am not even a huge Lennon fan. Then the greatest thing occurred, Mean Girls was on TV.

Saturday I went to the matinee performance of Eugene O'Neill's Strange Interludes at Shakespeare Theatre Company. It was an amazing show. The best part was that I had paid twenty bucks for a bad seat up on the mezzanine but when I got there, they told me that they were giving me a better seat. I ended up eight rows back from the center in the Orchestra. I was so excited. It was a long play and had been cut down from seven hours to four hours. It reminded me of Downton Abbey a little bit. I would recommend anyone go see it.

That night, I watched Dirty Dancing and got so excited singing "I've Had the Time of my Life" that I decided to listen to the original song from Footloose. I've never danced so manically and it was 1:15 in the morning.

Today I celebrated Easter by going to the museums again, like last year, and then got a great meal at District of Pi which serves awesome pizza. I was very my vintage 1950s dress and people kept staring at me which was a little uncomfortable but great. Now I am just chilling in my room and I have tomorrow off.

I hope every has a great day.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

But I would not feel so all alone


So as usual, I have not been posting anything because this semester is a real kick in the ass. But if you read my blog last year then you will understand why I can finally post again.

It's Easter Break!!!!

I celebrated my first day of break by going to Georgetown and got food at Sweet Green and went shopping around (but bought nothing). Tomorrow I plan on going to lunch at a place called Founding Farmers which has organic food. I am very excited.

I stumbled across this really cool bakery today that would fit well in San Francisco. It's called Baked and Wired because it serves coffee and baked goods. The whole store makes plays at the term "baked" and makes references to 420. Hence why it will fit in well back in California. Everything about Georgetown in so beautiful, I love it.

My shopping today consisted of buying stuff on my new favorite site, Pinup Girl Clothing. I plan on buying my dress for my cousin Aileen's wedding from there and the stuff I bought is what I have been lusting over for awhile. Also excited about this.

It will be very nice to relax for the next few days. I'm going to see Strange Interludes at Shakespeare Theatre Company on Saturday and am very excited. I've heard it's good.

Well that's the low down on my life. I have three weeks after break and then I am done with my Sophomore year. That is so scary!

Well, I'll keep you updated on my break. Hopefully it will be loads of fun. Now I am relaxing watching The Aviator after TWO Lifetime movies. They are ridiculous but addicting.

On another note, today I was leaving a bookstore and an old black man loudly said "Oh My God, Hello!". I said hello back and kept walking. It was kind of odd but flattering.

Well, Bye-Bye!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We all want to change the world

Hi Everyone

It's Spring Break right now and I am just posting a quick little note which is an issue that has just come to my attention. Having seen an amazing production of Cabaret last week, this issue was introduced to me because it is a genocide.

Joseph Kony has been creating child armies in Uganda for the last 20 years and is panning out as the next Hitler. This is the year we choose to stop him by making him famous. If everyone in the world knows of his heinous crimes then he can be taken down. Invisible Children is working with Politicians and Celebrities to help spread this message and making sure that everyone knows. So I am doing my part.

Watch this video, it will explain the situation much better then I just did.

"Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them."
George Santayana


Saturday, February 18, 2012

God, that's good!

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been posting. Spring semester is always so much harder for me because somehow I am taking all classes based around reading. And a math class from hell. I'm a Drama major, why do I need to take a class dedicated to Euler circuits (does ANYONE accualty know what that is?!)

Anyway, Seven turned out very well and everyone seemed to really react well to it. I glad to have the time back though without rehearsal. That way I can sit and read forever for my classes.

The Rep shows are going on right now at Catholic and one of them was Alien Invader, the show I did the reading for. I am seeing it tomorrow and am super excited.

Spring Break is in about a week and I am heading home for it. I am looking forward to that. I am also really looking forward to Easter Break which is when I am staying here alone which is so much fun because I can do whatever I please around the city and it's warm.

On another hand, I have been working on my study abroad for next spring and it looks like it's a go. I just have to do applications and paper work. Thank God I started this process early because it is going to be a lot of work. But here's to London 2013!!!

I have sent in my application for my internship and am now waiting to see if I get it or not. I really want to because it would be a great experience and great for the resume.

Well anyway, I am going to go watch Summer Heights High for the fiftieth time and recover from today. It was my first time house managing a show at Catholic and it accualty went really well. Thank God.


Monday, January 23, 2012

So sue me

Today in Washington DC is the March for Life, which is when Pro-Lifers come from everywhere to argue to make abortion illegal as they march on the Capitol. Because I go to The Catholic University of America, all of these people come to stay on campus the day before the march and we have to see them. I am one of those few members of the Catholic population who is Pro-Choice which makes me as bad as Satan today.

Now I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The reason humans are much more complex then animals is because we have the ability to reason and form our own ideas. My big thing is that I won't force my ideas on you if you do not try to do the same to me. Which is why the March for Life pisses me off.

I think the government should not have the right to tell me what to do with my body. If then did, then America would become more and more like those darn Communists. Then we may as well institute wire tapping with the occasional idea thrown into your conversation by some government worker listening in. America was established on the principle that people could be free to do what they wish (within reason) without being prosecuted and Pro-lifers are in essence trying to take a vital part of that away by saying "Abortion is murder". First of all, most doctors will not perform abortions after a certain point because it would be murder. They only can perform them in the first few weeks because the baby is still an embryo and feels nothing.

Also, in cases such as rape or incest, women should not have to be forced to go through the painful ordeal of giving birth because it is not their fault these things happened. Also, the government is mostly constituted of old white men who will never have to experience this decision for themselves.

But if I dared express this sentiment to any of the Pro-Lifers, I might get punched in the face.

And nothing is more anger provoking then those peoples status which state "When you decide to come to THE Catholic University of America, don't be so surprised that it is a Catholic university who actually follows through with the Church's teachings. The Church happens to be pro-life in case you didn't realize that when you sent in your enrollment deposit." Yes, I know the Church is pro-life and I shouldn't be stopped from coming to this school because I disagree with one thing the church stands for.

And also buddy, we live in America where FREEDOM OF SPEECH is one of our core values. Why should I not be allowed to express my beliefs in a mature and peaceful way just because the school I go to happens to follow a religion with some antiquated ideas?

I'm sorry about this rant on such a controversial issue but I had to get it off my chest online because I really can't do it in person today. But it's comforting to know that I am not the only Pro-Choice person here.

And that I am not as narrow-minded as some of the people on this planet. Thank mom, for making sure I saw the world before I began attempting to form ideas about it.

Anyway, I have rehearsal now and soon this retched day will be over. Thanks for dealing with this.


PS: One of the best comments I heard today was some kid say "I went to the March to meet girls. And then I realized they were all Pro-Life".

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My persuasion can build a nation

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in forever. The first few weeks of the semester are always really chaotic especially because I'm doing Seven right now, which opens in two weeks. Everyone in the Capital Beltway area should come and see it because it really is an important show for people to see.

It was created by an organization called Vital Voices which helps women around the world try to create equality. Seven is about seven women from around the world who are major figures in women's rights (Hilary Rodham Clinton is in-cahoots with a lot of them). This play tells all of their stories and helps get the message out about how important these women are and how women's rights are also incredibly important.

It's an incredible play. Everyone should see it. And the cast isn't half bad.

Anyway, this is going to be an interesting semester academically because I have some interesting classes as well as professors.

My math class (which is basically created for those of us who can't do any form of math) is taught by an older German man who has a very strong accent who will sometimes direct his lecture at the door jam that he fidgets with. Way to make math even harder for me.

My Contemporary Moral Issues class is taught by an eighty-year-old nun who totters around the room and rambles about all the people she has met throughout her time as a nun. I'm worried that she could be very biased in her ideas but then again she has told us this won't be a religion class.

Anyway, I'm working on applications right now for a summer internship and my study aboard I want to do (which is stressing me out a little).

I also made Dean's List for last semester which makes me very happy!

And it snowed last night and it stuck!!! But now it's all icy which annoys me because of my lack of a good inner ear.

I hope everyone's January is going well because mine is!!!


PS: Beyonce's "Run the World" is the perfect song for Seven

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Raise your Glass

First of all, Happy New Year!!!!

My New Year's Eve was uneventful and pretty chill. I went to dinner with my mom, watched The Hours and then watched the ball drop in Times Square. Now I am laying in my bed with my cat next to me.

2011 was a good year. Nothing too horrible happened and a lot of good things happened. Like last year, here is a list of the major life events that happened in 2011:

1) Was a part of Troy Women
2) Had my first not-terrible Valentine's day
3) Was a part of Post Secret
4) Spent Easter Break alone and was totally happy
5) Finished my Freshmen year of college
6) Had my first real summer job (two accualty)
7) Moved out of my home in Mill Valley and to Sonoma
8) Saw the end of the Harry Potter series (Childhood officially over)
9) Started my Sophomore year of college
10) Finished my Tech Hours!!
11) Got called back for every spring show
12) Got cast in none of them
13) saw Martin Sheen
14) Found roommates I accualty like
15) Got a 3.5 GPA!!!
16) Finished my Spanish Requirement!!!
17) Turned 20

So that's all the big things that really happened this year. It was a much better year then 2010 (what with all those rejections) but here's hoping that 2012 kicks all of their asses!!!!

Here's to 2012!!!
