Last night was the closing night of King John.
This was both my first professional show and first Shakespeare show that I have been a part of and I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
When I told Lesley the director that this was my first Shakespeare play, her response was "It bodes well that King John was your first unlike having Midsummer". How awesome is it going to be to tell people that I started my classical theater career with one of the most rarely produced Shakespeare plays in the canon? Even more awesome will be telling people that it was also a kick-ass show all around.
This internship was one of the best experiences of my life. I met amazing people and worked with some extremely talented teachers. I got to live, eat and breathe theater and art. And as cheesy as it sounds, I grew so much as an actor.
I learned how to perform in outdoor venues, I learned about classical theater, I stepped out of my comfort zone only to find it not at all terrifying. Most importantly, I conquered my fear that Shakespeare can only be acted one specific way and realized that classical theater is my idea of a good time, much more then contemporary theater.
But probably the most important thing I got out of this internship was the confidence to know that I can do Shakespeare and gotten over my past doubts that were still hung over from last year about even pursuing a career in acting. It may be a hard road but it will be the road I choose to take.
Now as I fall into my post-show/ pre- returning to school depression (hopefully no crying,which usually happens after a great show) I will have a few fond memories to hold onto:
-Earning Thomas Jefferson coins for doing Barry's makeup
-The time the tech booth blew up on Opening Night
-Eric Peeing off the stage
- Blazing hot Matinees
-Freezing cold night performances
-Doing the jig lift with Jimmy before every curtain call
-Rock Lock
-Moving the throne
-Standing in for everyone and their mother
-Twenty minutes of "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the dressing room
-The wonderful women's dressing room
-Poems in Barry's Garden
-"I want to eat it, let me eat it"
-Nerd Night
-The curtain call jig
-The glorius intern showcase complete with rain, helicopters, and girls making out
-The Midsummer camp with the greatest Play within the Play ever
-Flowing Dragon Swords
-Cast parties
-Double Rainbow
-4th Street
The list could be endless, but needless to say it was an absolutely incredible, stupendous and amazing expiernece. Thank you so much Marin Shakespeare Company!!!
I'm back to DC on the 23rd and will report from the other side. Now I'm off to enjoy my last two weeks by working on my monologue from Uncle Vanya!!